IRS Releases ID Theft Videos

January 20, 2016

The number one tip to prevent your identity from being stolen in a tax-related fraud scheme is to remember the IRS NEVER contacts you by email or telephone.

ENews 2016 pic tax theif graphicA series of new videos titled “Taxes. Security. Together.” is being released on YouTube to provide more information about how to protect your identity online. The information includes tips for properly handling the online exchange of tax and financial data.

The videos are a joint effort between the IRS, state revenue departments and tax preparation professionals. The information campaign follows last year’s “Security Summit” where experts gathered to exchange ideas and tactics to fight online tax-related identity theft and tax refund fraud.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen says, “We are jointly implementing major new procedures to protect taxpayers on our end, but people can help by taking some precautionary steps themselves to help us work to prevent identity theft.”

Many new IRS identity-theft protection steps may be invisible to taxpayers, but you may notice updates for the 2016 tax season that include new password standards for tax software admissions, faster information sharing about tax fraud and tax-related identity theft schemes, and updated verification standards.

The number one tip to prevent your identity from being stolen in a tax-related fraud scheme is to remember the IRS NEVER contacts you by email or telephone. The IRS communicates by letter through the US Postal Service. The department already knows your social security number and an authentic letter will not request you to submit that information.

To review the six new videos released by the IRS, click here.

To read more about online tax-related identity theft, click here.

If you need more information or feel you may have been a victim of tax-related identity theft, contact one of our tax planning and preparation experts at McRuer CPAs.