Celebrating July 4th

July 2, 2013

…some interesting facts about the American flag.

This week we celebrate on July 4th the 237th anniversary of the adoption of the final draft of the Declaration of Independence signed by members of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.

Flag waving was a way to show patriotism as the war continued for 6 more years. Today the American flag continues to symbolize patriotism, strength and resolve for a unified country dedicated to freedom.

The 13 stripes on the flag represent the 13 original colonies and the 50 stars represent each state. An interesting fact is that it takes 13 folds to achieve the proper folding of the flag.

The colors of the flag were specially selected to stand for particular values. Red stands for bravery and strength; white is for purity of purpose; and blue represents justice and perseverance.

Did you know there are 6 American flags on the moon?  They were planted on the surface of the moon by astronauts on the Apollo missions—11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17.

Here are a few examples of how the American flag’s design has progressed over time:

July 1777: 1st Flag Approved by Continental Congress American Flag 13 Stars 1777 Continental Congress



July 1877 : Centennial Flag with 38 Stars American Flag 38 Stars 1877



July 1960 : Flag with 50 Stars American Flag 50 Stars 1960



September 11, 2001 : World Trade Center Flag American Flag found after World Trade Center bombing



We wish you and your loved ones a patriotic, safe and relaxing July 4th holiday filled with the abundance of freedom the flag represents.

(Find out more about the American flag at:  www.ushistory.org and www.factsbarn.com)