Just How in Debt is America?

November 16, 2012

In case you missed the final 2012 federal budget release,  the feds spent another $1.1 trillion more than they collected during the fiscal year that ended September 30. This is the biggest deficit since World Ward II, other than the past three years.

The-congressional-super-committee-charged-with-slashing-americas-deficits-may-try-to-save-billionsFederal spending remains at a new high at about $3.54 trillion, or some $800 billion more than the last pre-recession year of 2007. In its article The Hard Fiscal Facts, the Wall Street Journal reports that even were President Obama to get all the tax-rate increases he wants to levy they would only create $82 billion in extra revenue while slowing the economy’s growth. Many experts agree improving economic growth is the only solution to the extreme deficit.