Should You Take a Timeout from Stocks?

October 4, 2012

Though the year is far from over, some money managers are considering staying on the stock sideline for now. The Wall Street Journal reported in its Sept. 24 article that money managers who caught the year’s stock market rally are sitting on percentage gains well into the double-digits .

One manager of $18 billion in assets from Brown Brothers Harriman in New York said that the “market has gotten ahead of itself.” He is advising his clients to take some profits from their winning stocks because he’s concerned that headlines from Washington, Europe, the Middle East or China could upend the rally.


The market is now trading at much higher levels while economic trouble spots remain unresolved. The Dow Jones was up 11.1% last week nearing the October 2007 peak; and the S&P stock index was up 16.1%, gaining almost 30% from where it stood a year ago.

Another portfolio manager at Neville, Rodie & Shaw, Reed Choate, said even though the headlines are taking a breather for now, that political issues could spring up and erode confidence.